How to Build High-Performing Teams in African Organizations.

How to Build High-Performing Teams in African Organizations.

Africa is a beautiful continent with lots of untapped opportunities for individuals and organisations. However, the ability to discern the niche to pursue, the team who share your vision, and the direction to undertake have proven to be the deciding factors in the success (or failure) of many organisations.

Building a team is like assembling a machine. For a machine to work properly, there must be a clear design, parts must be assembled and placed properly, damaged parts repaired or changed, properly oiled, and put in the right spot.

According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), it is estimated that about 70-80% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 50-60% of startups shut down within the first 5 years due to reasons including lack of adequate funding (45-50%), poor business planning (25-30%), economic instability (15-20%), competition and market saturation (5-10%) and legal issues (5%).

Using this illustration as an example, we shall delve into strategies for building a high-performing team in African organisations.

VISION: Vision is the most important aspect of team assembly. Crafting a plan and creating a design helps you know what to do, how to do it, and who you believe will follow in your path. Without a well-thought-out vision, there will be no direction, and without direction, the entire prospect is a waste.

CAREFUL SELECTION: After having your plan in place, the next path to follow is the careful selection of personnel. Personnel selection and placement are very important because, like a machine, any part that is incorrectly placed automatically crumbles the ability of that machine to function. You have to choose personnel with the right attitude, the correct mentality, and the right skills. Choosing the right personnel also includes considering language differences, cultural differences, gender and age differences, and recognizing the attributes you need in a team member.

PERSONNEL TRAINING: Training and education are equally as important as selection and placement because not only do they ensure that personnel are adequately equipped to handle the work at hand, but they also ensure team synergy, team cooperation, and a collective mindset. This is why successful organisations ensure that there is continuous training, education, and workshops, because, as the saying goes, “When you stop learning, you start dying.”

PROPER FUNDING: Lack of proper funding is one of the major issue for the closure of so many organisations and businesses according to the statistics above. To combat this, ensure that there’s at least available funds to cater for the smooth running of the organisation, this ensures that the organisation is kept afloat while it undergoes the expected hubris of a startup and keep it running until it properly stands and start making profit.

EMPOWERING AUTONOMY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Workers like to be trusted. The moment a worker feels watched and distrusted, that is the moment they start losing interest in their work. You have to promote autonomy in every personnel member. Trust them enough, but there should be accountability. The understanding that there are always consequences for your actions should be instilled in them. This can be done via auditing and impromptu work examinations.

CELEBRATE SUCCESS: The issue with African organisations is the belief that positive reinforcement slackens the worker’s input, but psychology has proven that the reverse is the case. Positive reinforcement in the workplace has actually increased overall worker input while improving their physical and psychological well-being. Positive reinforcements include fringe benefits, increased salaries for best workers, bonuses for success, holidays, etc.

CONTINUOUS FEEDBACKS: Always make sure that your team trusts you enough to come to you. Make the environment conducive enough to foster feedback and complaints, as this will ensure constant improvement coupled with team retention. The implementation of these strategies will ensure not only a high-performing team but also a high-efficient, effective, and well-rounded team, as this ensures that every aspect of an individual is well-catered for.

Lastly, remember that like a machine, the oiling of it’s part is very important to reduce friction and to ensure that it is durable. Therefore, there should be constant communication between team members because communication is key to constant improvement and dynamism in the team, thus, improving efficiency.


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  1. Anonymous

    This is really insightful and a breath of fresh air. Practical and interesting to read.

    • Stellarwrites

      We’re glad you found that interesting

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