The Importance of Emotional intelligence in Leadership: How to Lead with Empathy and Insight.

The Importance of Emotional intelligence in Leadership: How to Lead with Empathy and Insight.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and recognize emotions in yourself and in others, using this understanding and awareness to guide thoughts and behaviour.

As a leader, emotional intelligence is a must-have and very crucial for leadership because it ensures that you’re not only attuned to your emotions and how it affects your mood and behavior, but you are also attuned to the emotions of others.

In this article, we shall talk about how Emotional Intelligence (EI) influences leadership, and how to lead with Empathy.


IT BUILDS TRUST: A leader who is emotionally intelligent understands the members. Understanding the emotions of people and knowing how to respond adequately to them fosters trust and intense loyalty.

IMPROVES COMMUNICATION: Leaders with emotional intelligence are active listeners and encourage feedback. Communication is a very important aspect of leadership and leaders with high EI are wonderful at them. They accept diverse perspectives and thus, encourage collaboration.

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: Leaders with EI are able to handle conflicts because not only are they sensitive to the emotions of aggrieved parties, they are empathetic to their claims and so will find a common ground that’ll be beneficial to all parties.

QUALITY DECISION MAKING: Leaders are usually tasked with making decisions that are sometimes difficult and tricky. Leaders with EI employ both logic and emotions to ensure that decisions are not made in a haste, but carefully thought on, achieving balanced results.


SELF AWARENESS: The number one strategy that should be employed is self awareness. This simply means recognising your strengths and hubris, improving on your weakness, and making sure that your hubris is never exploited, thus, leading to your downfall.

ACTIVE LISTENING: Leaders should employ active listening with team members, with their mind free from distractions and body gestures, showing that you actually care about what is being said. Questions should also be asked because it shows that you truly pay attention.

EMPATHETIC DECISIONS: As a leader, understanding from the perspective of members is important, because understanding helps you make quality decisions. Do not be hasty or rash in making decisions, as this can lead to regret.

FEEDBACK AND COACHING: Always encourage feedback, give constructive criticism and offer guidance to members. This shows that you care, and encourages them to work harder.

In conclusion, Emotional intelligence is a significant aspect of effective leadership. By employing these strategies, leaders become quality, efficient and effective leaders who inspire trust and loyalty in members.

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